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OpenTech Alliance CIA Access Control

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INSOMNIAC CIA gives you total control of a single or thousands of properties, and addresses issues with older PC-based systems including technology, warranty, installation, and support.

Don’t worry about computer problems or never-ending software updates as the cloud-based software will continue to operate even if your Internet connection goes down.

Managers and owners, gain insights into your renter’s behaviors and streamline business operations with predictive maintenance triggers with real-time data visualization and reporting from the OpenTech IoE Control Center.

Enhance your tenants’ experiences by utilizing the hands-free secure access from OpenTech Alliance’s Storage Genie mobile app.

OpenTech Alliance and Storage Commander

Customers today demand fast options for personalized, seamless service.

OpenTech Alliance’s innovative, user-friendly kiosks integrate with your Storage Commander management software to support enhanced relations with customers, and help you stay ahead of the competition.

Full-service kiosk solutions, modern access control, and 24/7 call center support – OpenTech Alliance can be a great asset to any self-storage business using the Storage Commander Cloud management software.

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